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Première liste des plates-formes frauduleuses ayant des plaintes en juillet !

Ci-après les plates-formes de trading Forex frauduleuses contre lesquelles des plaintes ont été déposées :To get more news about broker, you can visit official website.
  1. Elpari Markets : Il a exercé ses activités de trading pour moins d‘un an, hors toute régulation. En fait, il a été transformé par une autre plate-forme frauduleuse qui s’appelle le Financial IGM !
  2. HKFIHG: Il a exercé ses activités de trading pour moins d‘un an, hors toute régulation. Des plaintes déposées révèlent qu’il a fait des arnaques à lamour !
  3. SMART: Nouvelle plate-forme frauduleuse enregistrée sur WikiFX. Il a exercé ses activités de trading pour moins dun an, hors toute régulation.
  4. LMAXFX: Nouvelle plate-forme frauduleuse enregistrée sur WikiFX. Il a exercé ses activités de trading pour moins dun an, hors toute régulation.
  5. Tmgnfx: Nouvelle plate-forme frauduleuse enregistrée sur WikiFX. Il a exercé ses activités de trading pour moins dun an, hors toute régulation.
  6. TMGM: Nouvelle plate-forme frauduleuse enregistrée sur WikiFX. En usurpant l‘identité du broker régulé TMGM, cette plateforme a exercé ses activités de trading pour moins d’un an, hors toute régulation.
  Vous pouvez voir clairement que les 6 plates-formes ci-dessus partagent une même caractéristique : Hors toute régulation. Tous les traders ayant un peu de connaissance sur le Forex savent que la licence de régulation Forex est le standard le plus basique pour juger si une plate-forme est légitime. Sans licence de régulation, il sagit que la plate-forme exerce des activités illégales.
  WikiFX vous rappelle : Avant tout dépôt dans chaque plate-forme de trading Forex, il vous faut absolument utiliser l‘APP WikiFX pour savoir la régulation de la plate-forme, l’environnement de trading, les commentaires des traders etc. Evitez les plates-formes frauduleuses pour bien commencer votre trading en toute sécurité ! Cliquez ici pour télécharger : (Android) / (iOS).

Oandaグループ真相公開の深層を解読 後編

最近WikiFXの真相公開コラムにて、各国のトレーダーからOANDAに関連する記事が寄せられ、内容が「出金不可」「システム混乱」などのクレームがメインとなります。しかし、WikiFXの調査により、トレーダーの皆様が、様々な疑惑ある優待規則で、OANDAの偽物アプリの使用を勧誘されています。To get more news about 詐欺, you can visit official website.

BKF Pede Dampak PPKM Darurat ke Investasi Cuma Moderat Baca artikel CNN Indonesia "BKF Pede Dampak

Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF) Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) Febrio Nathan Kacaribu memperkirakan dampak PPKM Darurat terhadap sektor investasi relatif moderat. Pasalnya, 70 persen investasi di Indonesia berasal dari bangunan atau konstruksi. Sementara, sektor terkait masuk dalam sektor kritikal. Artinya, selama PPKM Darurat, sektor konstruksi masih bisa beroperasi 100 persen dengan syarat menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Untuk seberapa besar dampaknya, Febrio mengaku belum dapat menjawab dengan pasti. Dampak baru akan tercermin pada rilis pertumbuhan ekonomi pada kuartal III mendatang.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit official website.
  “Konstruksi ini masih bisa berjalan dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat, sehingga investasi harusnya tidak akan terlalu terdampak dan masih sangat moderat,” jelasnya pada press briefing daring, Jumat (9/7). Kendati begitu, Febrio tidak menampik PPKM Darurat berdampak signifikan terhadap sektor usaha, khususnya yang berhubungan langsung dengan mobilitas masyarakat, seperti transportasi, rekreasi atau wisata, dan sektor penunjang lainnya.
  “Dampak terhadap dunia usaha ini bermacam-macam, ada sektor yang sensitif terhadap mobilitas makanya akan terkendala dampak sementara sektor-sektor yang berorientasi ekspor akan cukup resilient (tangguh),” bebernya.
  Sebagai Infformasi, pemerintah mulai memberlakukan PPKM Darurat pada 3 juli - 20 juli 2021 di Pulau Jawa dan Bali. Tujuannya, untuk mengerem kasus covid-19 yang saat ini menembus 38 ribu per hari.
  Mobilitas masyarakat dibatasi dengan harapan kasus dapat ditekan di bawah 10 ribu kasus harian. Dalam penerapannya, pemerintah menentukan sektor esensial dan kritikal yang masih boleh beroperasi penuh atau sebagian selama PPKM Darurat. Sektor esensial meliputi keuangan dan perbankan yang meliputi asuransi, bank, pegadaian, dana pensiun, dan lembaga pembiayaan yang berorientasi pada pelayanan fisik dengan pelanggan. Kemudian, sektor TI, perhotelan non penanganan karantina, dan sebagainya. Sektor kritikal meliputi kesehatan, keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, penanganan bencana, energi, konstruksi, logistik, transportasi, dan distribusi untuk kebutuhan pokok masyarakat.


Butterfly pattern là một trong số những mô hình thuộc nhóm Harmonic pattern, được Bryce Gilmore tạo ra đầu tiên và sau này được phát triển hoàn chỉnh hơn bởi Scott Carney. Mô hình này có hình dạng giống chữ M hoặc W trên biểu đồ, tùy thuộc vào việc nó là mô hình Bullish hay Bearish Butterfly.To get more news about PTKT forex, you can visit official website.
  Nguồn gốc của nó thì cũng xuất phát từ mô hình Harmonic nguyên thủy hay còn được gọi là mô hình Gartley nguyên thủy, do chính cha đẻ của Harmonic pattern tạo ra, Harold M. Gartley. Sau này, Scott Carney đã hoàn thiện nó hơn bằng cách đưa các tỷ lệ Fibonacci vào trong mô hình, và sau đó nó có tên Gartley hay Gartley 222. Sở dĩ có tên Gartley 222 là vì mô hình này được tìm thấy lần đầu tiên ở trang số 222 trong cuốn sách nổi tiếng của Harold M. Gartley, “Profits in the stock market”. Mô hình Con bướm cũng có hình dáng khá tương tự với Gartley 222 nên đôi khi người ta vẫn gọi nó với cái tên là Gartley Butterfly.
Một trong những ưu điểm của mô hình Con bướm vượt trội hơn so với mô hình Gartley là tạo ra các vị trí vào lệnh đẹp hơn, mua ở mức giá thấp hơn (điểm D thấp hơn X trong mô hình bullish) và bán ở mức giá cao hơn (điểm D cao hơn điểm X trong mô hình bearish).
  Giống như các Harmonic pattern, mô hình Con bướm được áp dụng trên tất cả các loại tài sản và trên nhiều khung thời gian khác nhau.
  2. Quy tắc của mô hình Butterfly
  Để xác định một mô hình Butterfly, bạn sẽ cần xác nhận rằng sự các hành động giá phù hợp với các tỷ lệ Fibonacci.
  · XA: Đoạn XA chỉ cần nhìn thấy rõ ràng là một đường thẳng, các đoạn sau sẽ dựa vào điểm XA.
  · AB: Điều chỉnh 78.6% của đoạn XA.
  · BC: Điều chỉnh 38.22% hoặc 88.6% của đoạn AB.
  · CD: Nếu BC là điều chỉnh 38.2% của AB, thì CD sẽ là đoạn mở rộng 161.8% của BC. Nếu BC là điều chỉnh 88.6% của AB, thì CD sẽ là đoạn mở rộng 261.8% của BC.
  Mô hình Bullish Butterfly bắt đầu bởi một sóng tăng giá XA, sau đó nhịp AB giảm giá điều chỉnh, nhịp BC tăng trở lại và cuối cùng nhịp CD giảm mạnh một lần nữa vượt quá đáy X. Với cách di chuyển này kết hợp với các tỷ lệ tương ứng với các mức Fibonacci theo quy tắc ở trên, thị trường kỳ vọng một nhịp tăng giá từ điểm D. Mô hình Bullish Butterfly có hình dạng khiến ta liên tưởng đến chữ M.

Với bước này, các bạn có thể quan sát chuyển động của giá, phóng to, thu nhỏ biểu đồ để phát hiện ra những hình dáng đặc biệt. Mô hình Con bướm bước đầu có hình dáng giống chữ M hoặc chữ W, các bạn tiến hành đánh dấu 5 điểm trên đồ thị. Nếu điểm C thấp hơn điểm A và điểm D thấp hơn điểm X (trường hợp chữ M) hoặc điểm C cao hơn điểm A và điểm D cao hơn điểm X (trường hợp chữ W) thì đây có thể là mô hình Butterfly pattern tiềm năng. Nhưng để xác định chắc chắn, các bạn cần tiến hành đo các tỷ lệ Fibonacci của mô hình.
  • Bước 2: Đo lường các tỷ lệ Fibonacci của mô hình
  Đầu tiên, các bạn dùng Fibonacci Retracement (FR) để đo mức thoái lui của đoạn AB so với XA. Nếu tỷ lệ là 0.786 hoặc xấp xỉ thì tiếp tục đo các tỷ lệ còn lại, nếu tỷ lệ này thấp hơn và rơi vào khoảng 0.382 – 0.618 thì mô hình có thể là Crab pattern (Con cua).
  Tiếp đến, dùng FR để đo mức thoái lui của đoạn BC so với AB. Tỷ lệ này dao động trong khoảng từ 0.382 đến 0.886 là hợp lệ.
  Sau đó, dùng FE để đo mức mở rộng của đoạn CD so với AB, tỷ lệ này phải rơi vào khoảng từ 1.618 – 2.618. Nếu BC thoái lui ở mức 0.382 thì CD ít nhất phải mở rộng ở mức 1.618 và nếu BC thoái lui đến mức 0.886 thì CD cũng phải mở rộng đến mức 2.618, nghĩa là tỷ lệ giữa 2 đoạn này phải tăng lên hoặc giảm theo tương ứng thì mô hình giá Con bướm sẽ chuẩn xác hơn.
Các bạn có thể hình dung là nếu BC thoái lui tại mức 0.382 so với AB mà CD mở rộng đến mức 2.618 so với AB thì lúc này, hình dáng Con bướm sẽ không còn cân xứng và kéo theo tỷ lệ thoái lui của D so với XA sẽ không còn nằm trong khoảng 1.27 – 1.618.

Saxo Adds Stocks and CFDs on US Exchanges to TradingView Offering

Saxo Bank, the online trading and investment specialist, announces the addition of equities to its offering on TradingView, a social trading platform that offers advanced charting tools for stocks, crypto and FX instruments.To get more news about forex scam, you can visit official website.
  Saxo already offers trading on 182 Forex and Metals pairs via TradingView, a social trading platform with a client base of over 29 million monthly users worldwide. Clients can now trade both FX and a range of stocks and single-stock CFDs on U.S. exchanges through the TradingView charting platform.
  Over the past year, Saxo has seen increased client interest and activity on stocks and CFDs, and this move is in line with Saxos commitment to better support the clients and offering them a wide range of choice when it comes to trading and investment.
TradingView is particularly popular amongst Saxo clients in Japan, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Denmark and Australia. We have seen strong interest from clients requesting access to equity products as seen in user reviews and feedback from our Sales teams, and we are very excited to be expanding our offering on TradingView to ensure clients are well-supported and can enjoy a wide range of products to trade and invest in,” Stanislav Kostyukhin, Commercial Owner – Trader, Saxo Bank, said.
  To become more relevant for more people, Saxo will continue to work on broadening access to global capital markets for clients. In the coming months, the company plans to add access for stock exchanges in Europe and Asia via TradingView and subsequently, also support for the recently launched Crypto FX pairs.

FXCC Did Not Withdraw 38000 USD for 11 Months!

FXCC did not process my withdrawal request for more than 11 months (withdraw initiated in Sep. 2020). The amount is 38718 USD. A screenshot of my withdrawal is attached.To get more news about Saxo, you can visit official website.
  I have tried to contact them many times but they do not reply to my E-mails or messages in the past 6 months. A screenshot of the opened ticket is attached.
  I strongly believe they do some fraud or scam business.
  I tried to explain to them that I will take legal action and complaint against them but they answer me my account is with the Vanuatu Island branch.
  This was a total surprise for me as I understand that they transfer my agreement and my account in HIDDEN WAY (without my permission) to Vanuatu Island (as I am not a resident of the EU).
  Worthy to mention that they do not have an active licence in Vanuatu to give forex services. E-mail from VFSC is attached.
  However, they lie in their agreement that they have the licence number 014576 (clause of 2.2 in agreement) I have attached the agreement and the screenshot of that false information to decide customer.
  Also in the footer of their website they mention this false information to mislead customers that they have an active licence in Vanutue which is totally false. Screenshot of the website is attached.
As I understand, they try to escape from Cyprus laws and regulations and take their customers money.
  They have two websites and all non-EU customers are directed to the Vanuatu island website. (it depend on your IP)
  Now I am trying hard to open a court case in Vanuatu and Cyprus against FXCC for their criminal and fraud action for not returning my fund.
  How Do Investors Avoid Such Scam?

Do not believe in fast money. Make sure you read overall reviews of the company, that will help a lot! Remember to check the qualification of a broker on WikiFX App before making deposits, lest you suffer losses from scam brokers!
  By checking FXCC overall profile on WikiFX, we can see the WikiFX score of this broker is reduced to 5.39 because of too many complainants!

Guide to spotting authentic Ray-Ban sunglasses

1 Quality
Hold your Ray-Ban glasses and look at them closely. Do they have some weight to them? Are they solid enough? All genuine Ray-Ban products are manufactured from high-quality materials, they are durable and cut from single-piece acetate. When it comes to Ray-Ban lenses, most of the models use superior glass. Although if you come across some other material, stay calm, most probably it’s a newer design - these don’t use glass lenses exclusively.Get more news about replica Oakley,you can vist!
2 Origin
All Ray-Ban products are made in Italy. Right? Well, surprisingly not all of them. People tend to believe that ‘Made in China’ sign that pops out with regards to Ray-Ban brand is an ultimate indicator of fakeness. However, Luxottica, Ray-Ban manufacturer, has its factories both in China and Italy. Although the majority of production is based in Italy, a few models are still manufactured in China exclusively, or in both Italian and Chinese factories. There is, however, no doubts that quality standards remain the same.

3 Content
Now for the content. All Ray-Ban sunglasses come with iconic packaging you should be aware of.

Paper box: SIlver, shiny paper box with Ray-Ban logo on it. If you check the side, there should be a label with barcodes on - proof of a reputable retailer.

Case: Ray-Ban produces different cases for different models, however, the majority of them feels and resembles real leather. Each Ray-Ban case should also have a shiny golden or black seal on the front left side saying ‘100% UV Protection - Ray-Ban - Sunglasses By Luxottica’. Being an exception, when it comes to Ray-Ban Junior products, these may also come in a coloured textile pouch.

Cleaning cloth: Don’t forget about branded Ray-Ban cleaning cloth - always made of high-quality material and including a logo that fakes often miss.

Booklet: There are quite a few guides that write about authenticity or warranty certificate. The truth is that it doesn’t exist. Ray-Ban packaging always includes a small booklet that contains promotional images, product characteristics and rules that sum up how to take care of your glasses. This booklet, however, is not an authenticity certificate. Either way, always be careful about any sort of spelling or factual errors inside of this booklet - there should be none.

4 Ray-Ban logo
There are several spots on a genuine Ray-Ban product that should include Ray-Ban logo. As you can see in this eyerim unboxing video below, the classic legendary Ray-Ban logo is always nice and visible on the lenses.

Lenses: Majority of Ray-Ban products include an ‘RB’ etched onto the left lens right next to the hinge. If you own polarized version, ‘Ray-Ban P’ should be engraved in the top corner of the right lens, as well. If "P" is missing be cautious, your sunglasses are either not polarized, or authentic.
5 Temples
When you check temples carefully, they should include some information about your product right on the inside left temple arm - model number and size details. Some models such as Ray-Ban Wayfarer, or Ray-Ban Justin also have a ‘Ray-Ban’ badge attached to the temple. Check the badge, it should be small and attached with pins, rather than glued.

Michael Jordan: Rare trainers fetch $615,000

The Nike Air Jordan 1 High sneakers, described as the "rarest of the rare", were used by the Chicago Bulls star in an exhibition game in 1985.Get more news about James Harden Basketball Shoes,you can vist!

In total, Christies sold nine pairs of Jordan's shoes to celebrate his 14-year career with the team.

There is a big market for rare trainers and collectors can pay high prices.

Michael Jordan is considered to be the best basketball player in the history of the game, and became a global icon in the 1980s and 1990s, helping to raise the NBA's profile around the world.Christies said the shoes, which belonged to US firm Stadium Goods, were the "greatest" collection of historic Michael Jordan footwear ever offered at one time.

All the shoes were made by Nike, which sponsored the player for much of his career.

The Air Jordan 1 High's, which had an estimated sale price of $650,000- $850,000, were the top lot. During the game in which they were used, Jordan memorably dunked the basketball so hard that it shattered the glass backboard.Put simply, Michael Jordan and his signature line of footwear set the foundation for modern basketball and the worldwide phenomenon of sneaker collecting," Christies said.

The trainers - or sneakers - resale market has been valued at more than $1bn, and prized pairs can fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars.Carl Webb, a collector from Stoke-on-Trent who owns 170 pairs of vintage trainers, told the BBC's Wake up to Money that it had a lot to do with nostalgia.

"Some people collect stamps, some people collect books, for me it's rare trainers... Knowing you are one of the only people who will have a certain model feels quite nice."

He said he paid up to £270 for trainers and had only worn 30 of the pairs he owns, keeping the rest on display in his house.

He said the price of a pair of trainers was usually determined by their "unavailability" and association with famous people or events.

"There is a resale market [for these shoes], people want to buy trainers even if they have been worn... And if you pick the right ones they will hold their value."

Best Puma basketball shoes

When it comes to picking out your next pair of basketball shoes, it’s time to think beyond just Nike or Adidas. Puma is a growing brand with quality products and a loyal following. With its established presence on the international sports stage, Puma is taking a swipe at its NBA competition by offering high-quality, eye-catching basketball sneakers at a more affordable price.Get more news about best basketball shoes of 2021,you can vist!

Puma is a German multinational sportswear and athletic footwear company. Although Puma has traditionally focused on running shoes and soccer cleats, in 2018, the company reentered the basketball sneaker game, with musicians and basketball fanatics Jay-Z and J. Cole working to bring Puma to the forefront of the NBA landscape. Here are some things to consider when shopping for Puma basketball shoes.

Simply put, if your shoes are going to hold up on the court, they must be made of quality materials. Puma, like some of its contemporaries, is focused on making the best performance-based shoes with sustainable materials.

The company partners with the Better Cotton Initiative and the Leather Working Group to ensure best practices and material sustainability. By 2025, its use of recycled polyester should reach 75%. Puma’s basketball shoes are built to perform at a high level while also helping the planet.

For a sport full of jumping, spinning and sliding, basketball shoes must have great traction. Puma’s entire line of basketball shoes is made with a durable, high-abrasion sticky rubber outsole designed for optimum grip in every direction.
In addition to performance, Puma basketball shoes are made with comfort in mind. Inner and outer supports combine with premium cushioning to keep every trip up and down the court comfortable. However, for the flat-footed, an arch-enhancing insole may be a useful addition.
Puma shoes generally fit true to size but adding insoles or ankle braces can drastically change the overall fit. It’s always best to try on a pair of Pumas before committing to a shoe.

On the court, what you need from a shoe goes hand-in-hand with position and playing style. For dynamic guards who move their feet laterally more than vertically, low and midsole shoes provide enough support without restricting movement. For on-court bigs, high-tops provide enhanced ankle support for better vertical action. Regardless of the shoe’s height or style, Puma uses a variety of proprietary midsole foams for even better support, comfort and performance.

One of Puma’s biggest advantages is the diversity of styles within its basketball shoe line. Puma’s design goes beyond just logos with eclectic, fun styles. The brand incorporates more vibrant colors like pastels and neons, as well as more complex patterns, with unique shapes and features.

Lacoste's iconic polo shirt inspires a new fragrance duo

The crocodile brand is adding to its "Eau de Lacoste L.12.12" fragrance collection with a new pair of subtle, light and fresh his-and-hers scents. "Lacoste L.12.12 Eau Fraîche" Eau de Toilette lands in a "Pour Elle" version for women and a "Pour Lui" version for men.Get more news about cheap lacoste mens polo shirts,you can vist!

Lacoste, which celebrates its 85th anniversary this year, has always honored the visionary spirit of the brand's founder, René Lacoste, who designed the iconic L.12.12 polo shirt. Indeed, this signature Lacoste garment inspired a 2011 men's fragrance collection, Lacoste's "Eaux L.12.12," which has since expanded to encompass women's scents.

With summer just around the corner, Lacoste is adding two new scents to the collection, with "Eau de Lacoste L.12.12 Eau Fraîche" in his and hers versions. The two fragrances stand out with their fresh, subtle aromas and distinctive bottles, with a frosty base fading into a bright pink shade for the women's fragrance or an opaque lime green for the men's scent.

The "Pour Elle" version is a floral, aquatic fragrance with notes of mandarin, grapefruit, magnolia, lily and white jasmine. The base brings aromas of Indonesian patchouli wood and musk.

The "Pour Lui" scent also opens with an aquatic accord, matched with a fresh and zesty Limoncello note. This is balanced with an aromatic, woody, musky base.

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