Each player needs to respond with RuneScape gold

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Each player needs to respond with RuneScape gold:-What of the 9 emissaries you align with.-Your reason for supporting your faction.

Each player needs to respond with RuneScape gold:-What of the 9 emissaries you align with.-Your reason for supporting your faction. Frivolous or factually wrong reasons (such as"I like Zamorak because red is my favorite color" Will cause your article not being counted.If you are so inclined, you may also include the following:-If your faction didn't exist, which would you choose instead and why?

I actually wrote this story about 4 years ago now, but it seems as good a time as any to post it. I hope you like.

The Needle appears to bond. It bonded taking her memories and turning her gloomy. Additionally, it is bonded now with Kerapac and made him blue as well!Could the Crown have similar outcomes? Saradomin himself tells us the Crown chose him:"- - I found a cave which hadn't seen life. . .ever. Inside, I found a gold circlet that called me out, picking me. This is the Crown and I knew without doubt that it had been created for me. I had been selected. "He also seems to have problems with some type of memory loss. Although, that probably is that those events were a long long time back and details are easy to forget.

Just thought it's interesting enough to mention. "All I have of them are the memories I take throughout the ages, though I hardly recall the titles of my parents along with the color of my spouse's eyes. They're a part of the lifetime of the guy I was before, maybe not the god I am now. "I would say that if true, the Crown differs from the Needle at least in a manner that the process of bonding is a lot slower. Maybe this applies to the memory loss, it doesn't happen instantly and perhaps being a god supresses it. Saradomin may think his blue color is due to buy OSRS gold the ascension, but maybe the bonding was finished because he ascended, turning him blue.Could other artefacts bond with people too? In that case, could they be bonded with the World Guardian? Elder Artefacts, over one, perhaps all.Perhaps.
