Johnathan Joseph and Malcolm Smith are the two veterans who appeared in the Madden 21 event

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Madden 21 released this week’s Wildcard Wednesday package with veterans. Madden 21 introduced Joseph and Smith and three others. As part of the ultimate team mode of Madden 21, Wildcard Wednesday brings new gift packs and cards to the game. For example, this week brought Johnathan Joseph, Malcolm Smith, Golden Tate III, Akiem Hicks and Frank Gore. The Wildcard Wednesday pack can bring everything from veterans to heavyweights. Players can use their existing MUT 21 Coins to buy them.

The difference for this year’s veterans is that the players’ overall performance is higher. In addition, each card can provide players with the team chemistry capabilities of any team that the player has played in his career. If they can successfully add these players to their self-built lineup, it will definitely improve their overall strength to win more challenges and games.

In addition, gamers will also like Akiem Hicks. For example, his 91 strength will lead to a dominant passing sprint ability. In addition, he has 93 games of recognition. In addition, Joseph will become a stud on the back of the horn. His overall competition recognition is 90 and his speed is 88. The addition of these player cards makes Madden Ultimate Team more interesting and more suspenseful for the outcome of the confrontation between players.

In addition, the auction house is always the most convenient and quick place for players to get player card packs. What shocked the players was that Joseph sold for 168,000 Madden Coins on Xbox One and 189,000 Madden Coins on PS4. Players who want to get them and suffer from insufficient currency reserves can Buy Cheap MUT 21 Coins at GameMS and then get these cards which are very cost-effective.
