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Tag search results for: "article"
Deciding on a dissertation topic is a pivotal moment in one's academic journey, requiring careful consideration and introspection. The process demands an amalgamation of personal passion, scholarly significance, and feasibility. One approach is to start by exploring your own interests and curiosities. Reflect on the subjects that have consistently piqued your curiosity, whether within your field of study or beyond. Delve into the literature, attend seminars, and engage in discussions to uncover areas that resonate deeply ... more
johnn Mar 18 · Tags: article
Terry Bailey
Throughout the history, all societies were organized in such a way that some social groups always had a privileged position over others, which was expressed in the unequal distribution of social goods and powers. In other words, social inequality is inherent to all societies without exception. However, the privileged class should care about the less privileged ones, since it will contribute to overall prosperity. The reduction of inequality can have a multilateral positive impact on modern society, including improving its social stru... more