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À l'ère numérique, les frontières de l'investissement s'élargissent, offrant un éventail de possibilités allant des traditionnelles actions aux émergentes cryptomonnaies. Cette diversification marque une évolution passionnante mais soulève également des questions quant aux différences fondamentales entre ces deux véhicules d'investissement. Cet article explore les caractéristiques distinctives de l'investissement dans les cryptomonnaies par rapport aux actions, éclairant les investisseurs sur les opportunités et les défis uniques de chaque marché. Si vous souhaitez trader, vous devriez d'abord lire une critique, par exemple lire l'avis ainvesting. Ainsi, après cela, vous pourrez vérifier comment vous pouvez échanger.

Nature et Valeur : Les Fondamentaux

Les actions représentent des parts de propriété dans des entreprises, leur valeur étant intrinsèquement liée à la performance et aux perspectives de l'entreprise. En revanche, les cryptomonnaies sont des actifs numériques fonctionnant sur la technologie blockchain, avec des valeurs influencées par des facteurs variés tels que l'adoption technologique, la régulation, et la spéculation du marché. Cette différence fondamentale en termes de nature et de déterminants de la valeur guide les stratégies d'investissement et les attentes de rendement.

Volatilité et Risque : Naviguer dans les Eaux Troublées

La volatilité représente un élément clé dans la comparaison entre cryptos et actions. Tandis que le marché des actions peut offrir une certaine prévisibilité grâce à des analyses fondamentales et techniques, le marché des cryptomonnaies est réputé pour ses fluctuations extrêmes, pouvant générer des rendements élevés mais comportant aussi un risque substantiel. Cette dynamique exige des investisseurs en cryptomonnaies une tolérance au risque plus élevée et une stratégie de gestion des risques bien affûtée.

Liquidité et Accessibilité : Les Portes du Marché

La liquidité, ou la facilité avec laquelle un actif peut être acheté ou vendu sur le marché sans affecter son prix, varie considérablement entre les actions et les cryptomonnaies. Les principales actions, échangées sur de grandes bourses, tendent à offrir une liquidité élevée. Les cryptomonnaies, bien que de plus en plus accessibles via diverses plateformes d'échange, peuvent présenter des degrés de liquidité variables, influençant la rapidité et l'efficacité des transactions.

Régulation et Sécurité : Le Cadre de l'Investissement

Le cadre réglementaire est un autre domaine où les cryptomonnaies et les actions diffèrent. Les marchés boursiers opèrent dans un environnement réglementé et surveillé, offrant un certain niveau de sécurité et de protection pour les investisseurs. Les cryptomonnaies, bien que de plus en plus soumises à la régulation, naviguent encore dans un espace moins défini, soulevant des questions de sécurité et de protection des investissements qui nécessitent une vigilance accrue.

Potentiel de Rendement : Évaluer les Horizons

En termes de potentiel de rendement, les actions et les cryptomonnaies offrent des perspectives différentes. Les actions, en particulier celles de sociétés bien établies, tendent à offrir des rendements plus stables à long terme, accompagnés de dividendes pour certaines. Les cryptomonnaies, avec leur nature disruptive et innovante, peuvent offrir des opportunités de croissance rapide, mais avec un profil de risque/rendement nettement plus prononcé.

Conclusion : Diversifier pour Prospérer

Investir dans les cryptomonnaies et les actions ne doit pas nécessairement être une question de choix exclusif. La clé d'un portefeuille d'investissement robuste réside dans la diversification, tirant parti des opportunités uniques que chaque marché offre tout en équilibrant les risques. En comprenant les différences fondamentales entre ces deux avenues d'investissement, les investisseurs peuvent naviguer plus sereinement dans le paysage financier moderne, armés de la connaissance nécessaire pour prendre des décisions éclairées et stratégiques.

What it is? A token is a chip, a token, only digital. The concept comes from the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. It is a digital certificate issued by different companies and for different purposes.

Where is it used? Tokens can be used as investment shares. If you choose wisely, the value of your assets will only increase. Also find out more about tokenized equity. Tokens are also used to pay for goods, services, and mutual settlements.

History of tokens

Cryptocurrency, by its appearance, was initially intended to facilitate and optimize monetary transactions. Over the short period of its existence, it has gained recognition in many countries of the world as a full-fledged means of payment. You can use cryptocurrency to pay for utilities, as in Switzerland, or to sell and buy real estate, as in Denmark. In Venezuela, Bitcoin has become the state currency.

From an intangible and incomprehensible matter, bitcoins have become an integral attribute of many business processes. This was facilitated by the emergence of smart contracts.

Smart contracts, which are compiled using technologically advanced mathematical algorithms, have created a bombshell effect on the cryptocurrency and blockchain markets. You can receive payment under such an agreement only if its terms are fully met. At the same time, previously agreed terms cannot be changed unilaterally, since encryption is used when drawing up smart contracts.

Programmers quickly realized that electronic money had enormous potential. They make it possible to solve the problems of financial support for any startup, regardless of the political situation and related financial restrictions. In 2010, a new tool appeared - a token.

What is a token

The word "token" means "sign". This can be the name of a wide range of objects - both chips in a casino and tokens in board games. In programming, a token is a discontinuous number of symbols in a Petri net. Devices have been developed that serve as an analogue of the 2FA program - they should also be considered tokens.

A token is a digital certificate, the holder of which can require the person who issued it to unquestionably perform any actions or fulfill obligations. In this sense, you can compare it with securities on the stock exchange.

A token is a digital conventional unit, the value of which is equal to any asset. Information about issued tokens is stored in a database based on  blockchain principles . To receive a token and perform transactions with it, special software and a digital signature are required.

For example, let’s remember a visit to an entertainment complex. In it, you can pay with real money for a card that will have a certain limit of conventional units; you can use it to pay for entertainment in this complex until the limit is exhausted. Outside the complex, the card will be useless - there is no regular money on it.

Companies can issue their own electronic tokens. By purchasing them, you can, as with transactions with ordinary property, increase the number of tokens in your possession, leave them for storage, and then sell them at a more favorable price.

Token classification

Security tokens are investment tokens. They essentially confirm that the holder of such tokens has shareholder rights, replacing traditional shares. An investment token is issued in exchange for the amount of money contributed to the company and provides the opportunity to participate in receiving dividends. It can also be used as a collateral or means of payment.

Asset-backed tokens (commodities). Such tokens are backed by any material benefits that must be provided in exchange for the token at the request of its owner. Moreover, such benefits are not only oil, gold and other raw materials, but also ordinary consumer goods. Instead of the goods, the owner of the token can be paid its value.

Utility tokens - utility tokens. Their intended purpose is to pay for goods from a specific company. Strictly speaking, they cannot be considered an investment; they allow you to attract additional funds for the company, and the owner of the token is guaranteed to receive any goods.

But the economic situation of a company may change over time, and the token that can be sold also increases in price. In this sense, purchasing a utility token can be considered a long-term investment.

NFT (non-fungible tokens) is a non-fungible token. Its peculiarity lies in the objects for which it is used when placed on the blockchain. These mainly include items of intellectual property - music, works of literature, paintings, as well as unique upgrades for games. Such tokens exist in the singular. Information about their issue and owner are in the blockchain database.

The key advantage of tokens is freedom of investment activity. You don't have to worry about government restrictions or currency fluctuations. To operate with them, you do not need a bank account, you only need access to the Internet. Purchasing tokens can be a promising investment.

But there are also disadvantages. Tokens have become so widespread that it is difficult for investors to find truly valuable assets in their mass, which creates additional difficulties for companies in attracting financial resources.

Investors in the cryptocurrency market who do not have experience in this area often purchase tokens, forgetting about the existence of many types of tokens, which are described above. Illiteracy in this matter can not only deprive the benefit of such investments, but also cause losses to the investor.

Of all types of tokens, only commodity tokens are guaranteed to be backed by traditional currency value or the value of any product. The owner of such a token can freely exchange it for other goods that are not related to the company that issued it (of course, if the seller accepts tokens as one of the means of payment), and this company itself is the guarantor that the token will be freely exchanged by it for any then objects or intangible goods.

From the above it follows that commodity tokens are the best option for investment, since they are provided with tangible and intangible benefits, the value of which is stable and does not depend on cataclysms in the cryptocurrency market.

The difference between tokens and cryptocurrencies

Tokens have several forms, some of which are as close as possible to digital currencies, while others differ in all basic characteristics. The key difference between them is that cryptocurrencies can be freely bought and sold on the exchange, while tokens are provided with certain benefits and are paid for in traditional funds only when they are initially issued to the owner.

Tokens are different. Some have purely technical differences with cryptocurrency, others differ in all respects. The main difference between the first and second types of tokens is that some are sold on exchanges, others are used only for the initial collection of funds.

You can buy them at a minimal cost by completing simple tasks in an airdrop campaign, or purchase them at a crowdsale. This method has already exhausted itself and causes certain complaints from users.

Large companies place their tokens not on ICO, but on IEO (this is the name of the initial placement of tokens on the exchange). There are a number of restrictions for purchasing tokens on the spot market, which we will return to later. Now let’s focus on the differences between tokens and digital currencies.

The token is based on a cryptocurrency that mediates transactions in the blockchain chains of the corresponding digital ecosystem. Cryptocurrency is used to carry out transactions using tokens. Some token standards have become the most widely used. These include the blockchains Ethereum (ERC-20), Binance (BEP-2/20), Tron (TRC-10/20), Neo (NEP-5). They differ from digital currency only in technical features, essentially being equivalent to them.

When initially sold, tokens are not a cryptocurrency - at this moment they cannot fully serve as a means of payment. For payments, they are used only within the blockchain. The creation of a new token is made possible by the activities of special network nodes, miners, and validators.

Tokens also differ from digital currency in their ability to circulate. If cryptocurrency can be used as a full-fledged alternative to traditional means of payment, then the token has value only within the framework of the company that issued it. The issue of full-fledged coins (Coin) requires the presence of its own blockchain, with the help of which the issuance of new tokens becomes possible.

Tokens, having been listed on the exchange, after which their issuers received a certain monetary proceeds, become a digital currency that can be used to make payments outside the company. You can sell them for another digital currency, in exchange for “fiat” financial instruments.

The primary issue of tokens is called a token sale - literally - the sale of tokens. In 2013, the first startup was able to issue tokens on the ICQ market; it became Mastercoin (now Omni). This event marked the beginning of a steady increase in the number of ICQs, and tokens became an integral element of digital payment instruments.

Thus, the following features should be considered the main differences between digital currencies and tokens.

  • The issuance and certification of payments using cryptocurrency occurs exclusively in a decentralized manner; centralized control is also possible for tokens.
  • The cost of tokens may vary depending on factors such as additional emission of tokens, the ability to exchange for the corresponding goods, the ratio of supply and demand for them. The value of digital currencies fluctuates solely under the influence of market mechanisms.
  • Tokens do not require a separate blockchain; for digital currencies, the presence of one is a mandatory requirement.

The features of tokens allow almost anyone to create them. There are tokens for significant dates, tokens for and against certain individuals, and many other types.

Where to buy a token

Tokens can be purchased on exchanges or exchange services. The price varies based on the company's reputation. At the initial stage, when tokens are just placed on ICQ, their only collateral is the idea of ​​the founders of the corresponding startup.

Buying tokens during their initial sale can be a profitable investment if the project develops. 

Before purchasing a token, clarify a number of questions.

  • In what form is the token issued?
  • How will its value be determined? Only by the actions of the issuer or also by other factors.
  • What is the price of the token and is it justified?
  • What industry does the company that issued the token operate in? The most preferred are information technologies, digital currencies, and blockchain.

You can buy a token online at one of several stages. On pre-ICQ, the sale is carried out before the start of the main crowdsale. The advantage is the minimum cost of the token, but at this moment the project still has rather vague prospects and content. To buy a token, you need to register on the website and transfer the price of the token to the web wallet specified by the issuer.

The best way to insure against emergency situations is to purchase a token on an exchange (IEO). Placing it on it means that the token is already provided with some benefits, which in itself is a fairly reliable protection against loss of funds. There are services that allow you to monitor ICQ activity.

The token is a promising means of payment, which not only allows you to exchange it for goods and services, but also use it as an effective investment instrument.