With the WOW classic release date recently being announced we have so much to look forward, or do we? Endless rep grinds, ultra-long run backs from deaths, no flying, ridiculously hard questing, oh yeah want to make a Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? Well get in line most high-end guilds could make 3 a year at the most and that was back when team work was a thing. These new kids seem super stoked for classic but let me tell you some of these kids don’t know bro!To get more news about buy wow gold classic safe, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

Classic WOW does however have some great treasures which you should be super excited about! Being a classic World of Warcraft player myself I put together a list of my top 5 favorite weapons for all you melee junkies. These non-legendary melee weapons I have judged not only performance but looks, procs, rarity, and nostalgia. Oh yeah… I have seen these weapons slice peoples face off live, so dead all your alts died at the same time. 5. Sul’thraze the Lasher – I understand this weapon is not a lvl 60 item, but the top end damage isn’t bad especially when you include the epic proc! I cant wait to see what the DPS looks like compared to raid quality two handed swords, I am willing to bet its competitive. This pick mostly for the nostalgia I mean just the process of making this weapon is such a classic grind. You will have to farm Zul Farak over and over until you get both the Sang’thraze the Deflector from Antu’sul and Jang’thraze the Protector from Chief Ukorz Sandscalp then combine them to create this epic two-handed sword. I really like the look of this weapon too an executioner type sword with a motion graphic of 2 skulls and fel trails circling around the blade, so LIT!

4. Quel’Serrar – This blade has a very special place in my heart for sure. Everything involved with this weapon is classic. I would rank this #2 in most fun quest lines in the game next to the Thunderfury. First you have to either loot the item from a random boss drop in Dire Maul or buy it which is close to impossible in those days. Once you have the Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying you then embark on an epic quest though Dire Maul which can be exhausting. Finally the most epic part! You take part it he 40 man Onyxia raid, during which you must drop the dull blade in front of her face avoiding her tail whip, fire breath, and front leg cleave. Once she breaths on it rinse and repeat this time looting the complete sword out of the ground and of course you will then need to defeat the encounter. Not to mention this is a mandatory item for tanks in raid progression. It looks magical compared to all the other items around the Blackwing lair level.

3. Ashkandi Greatsword of the brotherhood – This pick was pretty simple right? Most of us know this from the modern version, as the best looking MF two hander “Atainable” in the game! It solid in stats at 60 I think you will be fine using this through Naxx and AQ. It’s just sexy AF! Not to mention its massive! Its a major head turner especially in the Classic environment. It has to be if not the #1 but very close to it best looking two handed sword in the game. Killing Nefarian on a live classic server will not be an easy task though, not to mention all the other people out of the 40 man raid who need and want this blade, good luck.

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